Biotin for Hair Growth
. Chapters 0:00 Introduction 0:51 Biotin for Hair Growth 1:32 What to know if you are biotin deficient 1:56 Biotin rich food 2:03 Daily dosage 2:19 busting myths 2:38 Precaution 2:58 The bottom line Biotin, What a popular name! Hair…

Dermatologist Debunks Haircare Myths: Oil Training Your Scalp, Biotin for Hair Growth, & More!
Does washing your hair every day make it less oily? Do biotin supplements help your hair grow? Skincare might get all the attention, but dermatologists are also trained in treating hair as well! That’s why I wanted to make this…

BIOTIN AND IT’S HEALTH BENEFITS / Supplements for Hair Loss and Brittle hair
Different vitamins play different roles in the body, and a person requires an adequate amount of each vitamin to stay healthy. Today we are going to take a close look at a special vitamin that is essential for our skin…